Thursday, October 8, 2009

If Knickers Don't Serve An Obvious Function.. Then Why Bother?

I do wear knickers but either out of a since of asthetic i.e. because I think they look nice or when I'm wearing a trousers and so they're a barrier layer.

It's slightly funny that it's called going commando because when I was in the army for and on deployment I did actually always wear knickers under my combats or more typically mens boxers cause they were cheaper and more practical.

Men could get away with going commando because male hygine is different, I had female mates that would try it sometimes arguing that it was better to wear baggy combats and no knickers because it was easier to casually clean your crotch with wet wipes, but I always found that the best way of avoiding getting nasty UTI's that women on deployment are really susceptible to.. is to constantly change knickers every chance you get. Give the old pair a quck rinse with whatever water you got to hand and then shove them next to your skin to dry, that way you could get away with changing 3 or 4 times a day. (it was actually the same concept with socks)

Anywho sorry if that's a tedious description but it was the result of years of careful study on my part... and I just thought I'd share seeing as what I wrote about in my previous post.

In my civvey clothes I prefer not to wear knickers with a skirt provided it's long enough to hide my bits... It feels better and with a skirt the knickers don't serve any real purpose anyway...

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